Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fun Mail and Get-Togethers

Belle and Burger is a fun blog that I've come across. She's amazingly crafty and sells her homemade goodies both online and at a farmer's market. In preparation for making baby food (oh too soon...) I decided I needed one of her awesome aprons. I received my package in the mail today and it's even sweeter in person and it was so fun to open with a little hand written note and a free card. I can't wait to cook something with it... how domestic! ;)

Edit to add an action shot for Jamie:

On a different note... Monday evening now holds "creative circle" time at my house. It's like a knitting circle, only my sister participates and she doesn't knit, she draws/sculpts/writes/builds/carves so it's a "creative circle". :) I worked on another "little joe" for a charity auction while Melissa came close to finishing a vest for her son, my sister Kim wrote a story for E and next week I hope Elaine will join us, if she's not in labour.

We drank tea and ate cookies.. it was nice!


  1. The apron is cute!!! makes me want homemade cookies ...i could come if it was early labour right... sure beats sitting at the hospital!!!

  2. Hi...just discovered your blog...CUTE! Noticed your blurb on homemade baby food. Check out this website...just launched it last week.

    would love to know your thoughts.

    Take care,

  3. Oh man, I was hoping to see you modeling a bit. Boo :(

  4. I had no one here to take a picture for me! Ok... I'll do a mirror one. ;)

  5. Thanks for the action shot! It's adorable!!!
